Your Body Advocate

Episode 43: How Kindness Affects Your Body

February 06, 2023 Ruth Cummings

How Kindness Affect Your Body?

In today's episode, we talk about how being kind to others and to ourselves can affect our body.

First of all, *studies show that being kind can:

  • Decrease symptoms of depression. & anxiety
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Lower the risk of heart disease
  • Increase our feeling of happiness & wellbeing
  • Increase our immune system function

*University of California, Berkley & John Templeton Foundation

Next, being kind to OURSELVES can:

  • Help us calm down
  • Increase our confidence & self esteem
  • Improve our sleep
  • Spread love & kindness
  • Bring us up when we feel down

We can be kind to ourselves:

  • Mentally
  • Physically
  • Spritually

Mental kindness to ourselves can include:

  • Meditation & prayer-taking a quiet moment for our brain to slow down
  • Breathing 
  • Journaling-get your circulating thoughts out

Physical kindness to ourselves can include:

  • Stretching
  • Hydration
  • Sleep

Spiritual kindness can include: 

  • Receiving love from God or the Universe
  • Being aware of gifts
  • Spreading kindness with a smile

Your Smile is Powerful

You can spread kindness with one smile!  Smile to stranger and people you know with deep gratitude and sincerity and they will most likely smile back, or smile even moments after you have gone.

A smile can spread kindness, courage, happiness & love at the most random times when you are not aware what another person may be going through, and your smile is a boost they need at that exact moment.  

Spread love & kindness one smile at a time.