Your Body Advocate

Episode 41: Setting Your Body Up For Success This Year

January 10, 2023 Ruth Cummings

How did your body do in 2022?

Let's review your year from your body's point of view, looking at several categories, rating those categories, celebrating them and considering ways to improve each for 2023.

Where can you find celebrations, lessons you learned, places to improve, or ah ha moments you didn't realize before.

Your body thanks you. :)

First Step:  

Break into categories, your body-year-review.  Consider the areas that you were working on, or most aware of last year.  Below are the categories I used.


  • Pain
  • Fitness
  • Sleep
  • Self Care
  • Self Talk
  • Communication
  • Love & Kindness


Second Step:  

Rate yourself in each category based on how your body would rate these areas like this:  

  • What can I celebrate?
  • What have I learned?
  • What shifts would be best for my body this year?

Third Step:

Take any criticisms, negative thoughts or and turn them into positive sentences, one by one.  Examples:

  • I didn't lose enough weight this year.
  • I love my body and can't wait to find healthy ways to serve it with food and movement in 2023. 


  • I didn't concentrate enough, get enough done or meet my goals this year.
  • I love my enthusiasm which allows the ability to overcommit & I am excited to practice better boundaries and doing less, but better. 

Last Step:

Acknowledge the wonder and positivity in your world, and give thanks.  

Planning for 2023 is always helpful.  Listen to next weeks episode for some powerful ideas. 


Setting Your Body Up for Success in 2023: 

1. Put Breathing First!  Use your breath to relax, destress, take a moment, not scream, have better concentration, pray.

2. Set an Intension about how you want your Body to Feel this year. 

3.  Add Kindness from yourself to yourself.  Each time you do something kind for someone or something, use this as a reminder to do something kind for yourself. 


What do you think about these steps for this year?


Thanks for listening today!  

Consider these blog posts and podcast for more support:

blog post: What is Your Definition of a Happy Family?

blog post: How Does Your Body Ask For Help?

blob post: How to Laugh with Your Family to Relieve Stress


Podcast: Helping People Get Out of Their Own Way with Sherry Lukey