Your Body Advocate

Episode 34: Angelica Rodriguez, Shamanic Healing

October 11, 2022 Ruth Cummings

Angelica Rodriguez

Shamanic Practitioner

Angelica Rodriguez is a visionary and transformational leader who has worked in non-profit and corporate settings. A health scare in 2010 led her to natural healing modalities. She is now a shamanic practitioner and conducts healing sessions to help clients cope with stress, anxiety, grief, and trauma. Her clients have overcome limiting beliefs and patterns that have kept them stuck for years.

Links:  Website: Instagram: angelicadrodriguez  

Important Note:

To honor and recognize people from traditional shamanic and indigenous cultures, Angelica refers to herself as a shamanic practitioner. She does not identify as or refer to herself as a “shaman”. This is an important distinction so that she is not appropriating the culture of indigenous cultures.